Upton Sinclair’s Student Activities

Extracurricular activities were an important part of life as a student when Upton Sinclair was enrolled at the College of the City of New York. Sports, literary clubs, religious organizations, debating societies were some of the offerings to the 1890’s student. Upton was a contributor to the Phrenocosmian, published by the college literary and debating society.


In addition to literary contributions to the Phrenocosmian, Upton Sinclair also participated in debates. A review of his performance was published in the Phrenocosmian.


Religion was an important part of Upton’s life. In his Autobiography he writes: “I became a devout little Episcopalian, and at the age of fourteen went to church every day during Lent. I taught a Sunday-school class for a year” (p.31).

At the City College of New York a branch of the Young Men’s Christian Association was started during the 1895-96 academic year. The 1897 Microcosm introduced the organization saying: “And what can be more important in the college than an organization for the purpose of training the moral side of man, which of necessity must go uncared for, in an institution such as the City College” (n.p.). In that year Upton was elected the Treasurer of the Association.