Samples: Creative Remix or Remediation of Research Project (2150/2150T)

III. Creative Remix or Remediation of Research Project

Creative Remix or Remediation of Research Project

  • 20% of course grade
  • Writing component: 4 double spaced pages

The creative remix or remediation assignment engages one of the five major course goals for ENG 2150(T): 

Use a variety of media to compose in multiple rhetorical situations: Apply rhetorical knowledge in your own composing using the means of persuasion appropriate for each rhetorical context (alphabetic text, still and moving images, and sound), including academic writing and composing for a broader, public audience using digital platforms.

Kamal Belmihoub: Multimodal Remix Assignment (2150T)
The objective of the assignment is to help students understand the influence of rhetorical choices and diverse modes of communication on their ability to communicate a message and persuade.

Lisa Blankenship: Remix of Research Project
This assignment is one I’ve used for several years. It asks students to re-conceptualize the arguments they make in their major research project for the term using multimedia. For example, they could re-imagine and re-design their traditional academic essay into a podcast for a public audience outside the class, posting it on Blogs@Baruch or YouTube. The assignment asks students to consider the significance of key rhetorical concepts of the course such as audience, genre, purpose, media, and delivery, and gives them practice composing using elements beyond alphabetic text for public audiences on digital platforms. For details on readings, see “Schedule” on our course blog.

Nadim Essey: Remediation Project
Continuing along with the theme of the class, and after having read and looked at much, I give an opportunity for the students to express the theme in a visual format—either a video (several possible approaches: narrative, documentary, movie) or a photo essay.

Joanne Grumet: Remix Assignment (2150T)
Students take a written paper from a previous class essay assignment, transform it into a multimodal presentation, and write about the differences created in changing mode.

Kim Liao: Multimedia Campaign Assignment
Students practice writing for various audiences across multiple media and multiple genres of writing (e.g. letter, podcast, press release, advertisement).

Mary McGlynn: Multimodal Remix Assignment
My Learning Community partner, Kathy Pence, and I decided to allow students to remix any of three projects—a rhetorical analysis of an image, an oral history, or a researched essay. All three were unified by our LC theme, Women at Work around the World. I came away from this assignment excited to do it again, in composition and other classes. The students did a great job in thinking through what affordances they derived from various platforms.

Ian Singleton: Mapology, a Story Map
Students combine audio and video recordings with ArcGIS maps and Cascade story map technology to create a new narrative of their neighborhoods. This is a recent technology that major publications use to present geospatial data and discuss whole populations. And it’s a way to create a map that speaks to students’ narratives—and helps them rethink how they present their writing.