Interview Question – My Ideal Day


The start of an ideal day must be a late wake up time — around 9:30 to 10 am. After washing up, I would want to make a cup of coffee and some breakfast to eat while watching TV; this could last until 11 am. After I would want to go out with friends or my siblings and have a day out visiting different tourist attractions. I would love it if we could go somewhere further as well to have an overnight trip. My dream vacation spot is to have a tour trip of Taiwan, Japan, and South Korea all together. After coming home, I would play some music in the background and be on my phone for a while until around 11 pm. My music choices are usually pop music; I would choose from American pop, Cpop, and Kpop. My day would end when I go to bed at 12 am.

2 thoughts on “Interview Question – My Ideal Day

  1. Your ideal day sounds fantastic. I would love to take a vacation with my friends and family and even the little things like a cup of coffee in the morning can go a long way.

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