Narrative of Metacognition

Issac Asimov’s essay, “What is Intelligence, Anyways?”, demonstrates the different perspectives of intelligence. Asimov compares himself to an auto-repair man, where Asimov explains he is intelligent academically. However, his intelligence in auto-repairs would be close to nothing. Asimov’s essay emphasizes how important it is to recognize the diverse forms of intelligence. I think intelligence is the ability to learn and understand new information and skills. I don’t believe an aptitude test determines ones intelligence which correlates to Asimov’s view on intelligence.

One of my strengths is communication. I feel like I’ve always been able to connect with others through my communication. Another one of my strengths is my mindset. I’ve always been determined on growing and learning new things. My interests include music, shoes, video games, and sports. I’ve always played video games and sports and in more recent years, I found my interest for shoes and music. I don’t think I have a lot of talents, but I would say my intuition is like no other.

The results from the multiple intelligence quiz show that my top three intelligences are intrapersonal, interpersonal, and musical. I believe that the results are accurate. I was surprised when I saw the results because I didn’t expect it to be that accurate. The intrapersonal and interpersonal intelligences connect to my ability to communicate. I feel like my ability to understand and control my emotions helped me in understanding others and their emotions. My interests in shoes and sports definitely contributed as well. The result of musical intelligence did shock me at first, but once I thought about it, I realized how impact music is to me and my life.

8 thoughts on “Narrative of Metacognition

  1. I also got intrapersonal on my quiz, and I agree with you on how they connect with the ability to communicate. I think that if you’re in tune with your own emotions and understand yourself it’s easier to communicate with others. You can determine others’ feelings based on how you feel and build better connections.

  2. It’s great that you have good communication. I feel like a lot of people lack that skill and it is very important to communicate. Are you a basketball guy? I feel like you like basketball.

  3. It’s really cool that you have such a strong mindset. Learning is one of the reasons we humans grow. I’m pretty sure if you keep learning you’ll learn more about yourself and everything in general.

  4. Having a growth mindset is really important for people our age! Having great communication skills is also very important. I also enjoy watching and playing sports. I personally enjoy soccer and basketball. What sports do you enjoy?

  5. It’s great that you have a growth mindset, especially in today’s world where there is so much to learn, it’s encouraged for one to try and do so. Furthermore, that kind of characteristic is one of the key things employers look for.

    Assuming you’re a sneakerhead, I’ve always found them amusing. Hope that you can tell me what shoes would you recommend for me.

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