My Personal memorial is of my first cat Katy, she is a Russian Blue. This memorial is dedicated to her because my family chose to surrender her when I was in fifth grade. At the time my parents made this decision because my brother was a baby and had developed pneumonia, and the doctors thought the cat was making it worse. I was heartbroken she was my best friend. My father brought home Katy when I was in second grade, she was a street kitten and had all types of parasites from being outside. She had a big personality for a small cat, she was mischievous destroyed furniture, scratched walls, but we loved her. She was very interesting as well, she would pick up her food in one paw dip it in water then eat it. We had also trained her to use the regular toilet.
5 thoughts on “PERSONAL MEMORIAL”
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Thats so beautiful, cats become so special to your life especially your first.
I love how you created such a beautiful relationship with your cat even though you only had her for a few years
Your cat was so beautiful, it’s really cool how you were able to train her to use a regular toilet.
Aww! Your cat was so adorable and I love how you included your memories with her.
I had a cat just like her growing up. Sorry for your loss she was a cute cat.