Final Project

Throughout the past weeks, I believe my writing developed in unexpected ways, I started thinking outside the box, and I am more creative than before. The writing prompts before class definitely played a big role in my writing skills. I was able to develop a strong “free-writing” ability. I am able to write whatever comes to my mind without getting stuck and it actually somewhat makes sense. In the beginning of the semester I did have a goal to improve my writing skills but also I wanted to learn and develop new methods of writing that would help me with writer’s block. I think I accomplished this goal because with the new methods I learned writer’s block is no longer an issue.

One piece of writing I am proud of is the Rhetorical Film Analysis. I usually hate writing long papers however this one was actually fun to to. I enjoyed diving deeper into the film and analyzing the details and the hidden messages behind it. The process of writing was interesting as well since we had to first watch the film, and when you just watch it you don’t analyze it as much however when you are writing about it there is much more to the film than you realize. I have gained insight about film analysis as well as rhetorical analysis.

Nothing in particular was challenging however I have to mention that the code-switching paper slightly took more thought because I had to bring a lot of things from my past and prior experience. And since code-switching as a whole is a big topic and can be analyzed in multiple ways. But at the end I learned a lot about code-switching and a lot about my self as well. Before I did not notice how often I used code-switching everyday, the writing made me realize it is a big part of my life. My final thoughts about the class in general is that I enjoyed my time there and I would love to have Professor Perry as my professor for next semester!

One thought on “Final Project

  1. It’s evident from your reflection that your writing journey over the past weeks has been both transformative and rewarding. I also enjoyed the Rhetorical Film Analysis I just wish I put more effort into since I kind of rushed it.

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