Interview Questions

My name is Victor. I live in Brooklyn. I love to play sports such as basketball and I enjoy biking with my friends. I am in majoring in real estate. One of the question were “if you had one superhero what would it be”, it would be teleportation because i have to wake up everyday to go class. Teleportation is very convenient for me because of the long distance and it would save a lot of my time. I am looking forward to graduating in Baruch and meeting new peers!

I interviewed a classmate named Eason and he talked about different things. I asked him the same question i asked myself. If you could have one superpower, what would it be and why? He said he would stop time because it is a good time saver if he is ever late. He also said he could use that to his advantage by doing things more slow and that would help him as an individual’s. Eason lives in Queens and it takes around 1 hour to get to Baruch. He plans to major in accounting and he will push himself to reach higher limitations.

4 thoughts on “Interview Questions

  1. Hey, Victor! If I had a super heroic power I would want it to be able to read people’s mind because I would be one-step ahead. And I agree, the commute is a lot and if we had that power, it would save both of us time. I also like to play basketball, what’s your favorite team?

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