Interview Questions

Hi, my name is Diomarys but I usually go by Dio. One interview question that stuck out to me was what motivates us to get up in the mornings, at first, I couldn’t really think of an answer. I eventually said my mom, but I said so because I just thought about how she gets up extremely early for work every day and I think I should be able to do the same if she can. After much thought I realized this wasn’t the only reason, she motivates me to get up because of her kindness and support daily. She pushes me to be the best me and get out of my comfort zone and I’ve had amazing experiences because of it.

My interview partner was Heidi. I think the question with the most interesting response was about what we would do if we died, I don’t remember the exact wording of the question, but her answer intrigued me. She said that if she was rich, she would donate money to charity. That to me seemed normal and like a common answer but she also said she would donate her organs. Heidi believes that by donating her organs she can help lives even after death and to me that was very admirable. It was an answer I wasn’t expecting but it showed me how considerate and compassionate she is.

One thought on “Interview Questions

  1. I would also say my mom is my motivation to get up in the mornings because she always manages to get up early to make sure I eat breakfast before I go to school, also if I ever get to school safe. She inspires me to get up for school and work hard, seeing her wake up early for work and being able to take care of the household.

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