Category Archives: Manhattan

2014’s Top 5 Art Exhibits.

Brace yourself avid art lovers, even though 2014 is approaching its end, the arrival of the New Year is already promising original and exciting exhibitions throughout the city. These shows will range from photography, video, audio, and even bamboo sticks. However, before you begin marking up your calendars, let us revisit some of the best exhibits of 2014 for nostalgia’s sake. Disclaimer: This list will not discriminate between mainstream and underground events, hipsters beware!
With that being said, here are the editor’s top 5 picks for 2014:


Lamech (detail), from the Ancestors of Christ Windows, Canterbury Cathedral, England, 1178–80. Colored glass and vitreous paint; lead came. Images © Robert Greshoff Photography, courtesy Dean and Chapter of Canterbury
Lamech (detail), from the Ancestors of Christ Windows, Canterbury Cathedral, England, 1178–80. Colored glass and vitreous paint; lead came. Images © Robert Greshoff Photography, courtesy Dean and Chapter of Canterbury


Radiant Light – Stained Glass from Canterbury Cathedral
Cloisters Museum
Feb 25–May 18 2014

This stunning exhibit showed a collection of stained glass from England’s famous Canterbury Cathedral. The art dated as far back as 1178. This display marked the first time that the six Romanesque windows were taken anywhere outside of the cathedral.

Continue reading 2014’s Top 5 Art Exhibits.