Category Archives: Call for Papers

Domincan College Psychology Conference

Hi everyone,

Here is another opportunity to present your lab’s current research findings and/or REU independent study project. Dominican College, located in upstate New York, will host their undergraduate psychology conference on Friday, April 25th. Here is a link with more information: Dominican College Conference.

Additionally here are the requirements and deadlines:

Call for abstracts for the 2014 conference.

Procedure for submitting papers & posters

1.   Cover sheet including

a) Title

b) Name(s), phone & email addresses of all authors

c) University affiliation

d) Name, email & phone # of sponsoring faculty member(s)

e) Indicate preference for poster or paper presentation

2. 200 word (max) abstract in APA format

3. Submit abstracts & cover sheet via email as MsWord attachments. Subject line must say “HVUP Conference”

Deadline for submitting abstracts is April 10. Incomplete research will also be considered, but please indicate if data will be collected and analyzed by conference due date so we know if your presentation will be a literature review or a completed research project.  Abstracts after deadline will be considered if space permits. Email for more information:
All abstracts must be sent as an email attachment in MsWord or text format to Kelly Johnson above.
  • April 4 — Abstracts due
  • April 11 — Notification of Authors (will do on rolling basis with late abstracts…)
  • April 20 — Deadline to Register (for guests; presenters need not register)
  • April 25 — Conference

Hunter College: 42nd Annual Psychology Convention

Hunter will be hosting their 42nd annual psychology convention on March 30th, 2014. The last day to submit abstracts is March 7th. I think this will be a great experience for all of us.

for the 42nd Annual Hunter Psychology Convention
Share your research findings and discoveries with the scientific community…
The Hunter College Psychology Convention is an exciting one-day
event providing you with an opportunity to share your research with
fellow students, faculty and practitioners. This full-day event offers
students and faculty from many universities the chance to present their
research findings with hundreds of members of the scientific
We invite you to submit papers and symposia on psychology and
neuroscience research for presentation at the Convention. Students
with relevant projects from other academic departments are also
encouraged to submit and present their work as well.
Attendance is free and includes breakfast, lunch and afternoon
reception. No advance registration is necessary to attend.
The 2014 Hunter College Psychology Convention Will Take
Place On:
Sunday, March 30, 2014
9:30 AM – 5:30 PM
at Hunter College in New York City

Publishing In A Journal

Hello everyone,

I received an email from the Psych department at Queens about submitting articles to The Undergraduate Research Journal at UCLA. I was wondering if any of you, have submitted your work to a journal. I believe this is a great opportunity for any student.  The deadline for submitting work in January 20th, 2013.

Here’s the information:


Have you recently completed a research paper in a psychology-related field? Looking for a platform to broadcast and publish your work? If so, the Undergraduate Research Journal of Psychology at UCLA (URJP) cordially invites you to submit your papers for our inaugural publication, expected to be published in Spring 2014. URJP is an annual publication of collaborative efforts between students at UCLA and neighboring universities, which publishes undergraduate research in psychology and psychology-related fields (i.e., neuroscience, linguistics, and cognitive science) as long as the papers:

*      Are original work completed by undergraduates

o  Includes senior honors theses, independent research projects, literature reviews, theoretical papers, and other scholarly writing

*      Have never been published before

*      Fit the attached submissions criteria

Even if you have not completed an independent research project and don’t have access to usable data, we STRONGLY encourage all undergraduate students to take a look at our “stepping stone” and “review article” submission types. These submission types are relatively short in length (around 7 pages) and DO NOT require access to data. These offer very unique opportunities for students to publish work as undergrads!

The deadline to submit papers for publication is January 20th of 2014. Multiple submissions from one author are welcome. If you would like to submit an original research article for review and consideration for publication, please complete the following instructions:

*      Read the attached submission criteria

*      Attach a word and pdf copy of the article in an email to<>

*      Remove any identifying information (such as author and institution name) within the research paper, to ensure anonymity within the selection process

*      Include your full name, paper title, telephone number, and preferred email address in the body of the email message

If you have any questions or concerns about the submissions process, please contact us at<> for further information. We look forward to reading your submissions!

Eastern Psychological Association: Call for Papers

The Eastern Psychological Association will have their annual meeting on March 13-16, 2014 at the Boston Park Plaza Hotel in Boston, MA.

EPA dues for Members remain at only $60 and include registration for the meeting. Dues for Associates (students) are $25. There are no other fees. Furthermore, the room rate at the Park Plaza for a single room will only be $169, not including tax.

To pay dues, go to, click on Members Only at the top of the left menu, and then click on Renew Your Membership. After you have paid your dues by credit card, click again on Members Only and then on Member Proposals to submit your proposal.

Please remember that only paid-up Members, Fellows, and Associates may submit proposals for the meeting. If you are planning to submit a proposal, please do not wait until the last possible moment to pay dues, as payments may take up to 48 hours to process. All associates must have a faculty sponsor who, at the time of the submission, is a current EPA Member with dues paid for the current year.

The submissions site is open now and will close promptly at 5:00 PM EST on November 1, 2013. To access the site, please use the login information at the end of this email. Please be certain to read the EPA submissions guidelines and the FAQ page prior to preparing your submission. As in recent years, another call for proposals for a special undergraduate poster session will be issued later for a December 1, 2013 deadline; however, space will be very limited, and undergraduate students (Associates) are strongly advised to apply for the regular November 1 deadline if at all possible.

Members of the EPA Program Committee have been hard at work to make 2014 a truly memorable meeting. A program dedicated to research in neuroscience will debut at EPA this year, featuring an invited address by Earl Miller (MIT). There will be a number of sessions geared towards students that cover such diverse topics as psychology and law, violence in the media, teaching of psychology, and career exploration and advice. Invited symposia will highlight new research on issues ranging from computational constructivism (chaired by Joseph Austerweil, Brown University) to the cognitive effects of radiation treatment for brain tumors (chaired by Deborah Walder, Brooklyn College CUNY). Anthony Greenwald (University of Washington) will present the opening Psi Chi invited talk on Thursday March 1st, and Brian Nosek (University of Virginia) will chair the invited Psi Chi symposium on “Crowdsourcing Science.” Bernardo Carducci of Indiana University Southeast will present by invitation of Psi Beta. Addresses and symposia by Ed Wasserman (University of Iowa), Irene Pepperberg (Brandeis and Harvard Universities), and EPA President Thomas Zentall (University of Kentucky) will round out the Presidential Programming.

Invited area presentations will include:
The Sense of Style: Why Academic Writing is so Bad, and How to Make it Better
Steven Pinker, Harvard University

Invited Symposium: The Human Capacity for Language — Design, Regenesis and Evolution
Iris Berent, Northeastern University
Susan Goldin-Meadow, University of Chicago
Steven Pinker, Harvard University

How ‘Hidden Biases of Good People’ Produce Discrimination
Anthony Greenwald, University of Washington
Embodied Social Cognition Via Conceptual Scaffolding
John Bargh, Yale University

Tug-of-War on a Tightrope: Applying Psychology as an Expert Witness
Samuel Sommers, Tufts University

Adolescent Neurodevelopment and the Bio-behavioral Expression of Vulnerability for Psychosis
Elaine Walker, Emory University

Development of Fear: Evidence from Mouse to Human
B.J. Casey, Weill Cornell Medical College

Invited Symposium: Memory Development — Specialized Learning and Forgetting
Pierre Lavenex, University of Lausanne & University of Fribourg
Regina Sullivan, New York University
Paul Frankland, University of Toronto
Rosamund Langston, University of Dundee
Pamela Banta Lavenex, University of Lausanne

Women “ought not to have any sex, but they do”: And Other Tales of Gender in Science
Alexandra Rutherford, York University

Is American Psychology Truly Xenophobic, 30 Years Later?
Harold Takooshian, Fordham University

Voices from the Past: William James, H. B. Alexander, and the Teaching of Psychology
Kenneth Keith, University of San Diego