How can we understand marronage beyond juridical, anthropological, or historical limitations? If our present moment is constituted by the “afterlives of slavery”, or “las huellas de la esclavitud,” and historically slavery and marronage were two inextricable processes, how can we think about marronage expansively? Relatedly, how can we understand Blackness and Black life beyond the overdetermination of anti-Black violence and coloniality? What can a move beyond the masterful drive of Western metaphysics tell us about our existence? What can this move tell us about freedom? This talk will propose a potential philosophical conception of marronage that attempts to move beyond the Western ontological presupposition of Black Being as being. In other words, the proposition is that marronage constitutes the affirmation of life beyond modernity’s sub-ontological reduction of those designated as “Other”, while also gesturing away from the ontopolitical subsumption of Blackness as mere resistance.
This event will be followed by a discussion moderated by Professor Rojo Robles. Please use this link to register: