Alice in Wonderland

Alice in Wonderland is a book that can be interpreted in many different ways. Just as it has been translated into many different languages, it carries different meanings for different people. Some feel it is just a children’s book, nothing to pay much attention to. It is filled with “nonsensical things” such as talking animals and absurd ideas. I think this is the beauty of this book. The fact that it can be interpreted in so many ways. There are so many abstract ideas and hidden themes in this book that I would have probably never seen had I not done such a close reading.  I think in many ways “Children’s Literature’ isn’t just for children. In the case of Alice I feel that this is clear. The themes and the underlying messages make this story very appealing. Reading this closely I feel as though I’m actually reading it as a child is. The deeper I read the less I see these things as nonsense, (although very unlikely), it’s a lot deeper than that. I honestly don’t know if this was Caroll’s intention but it really had me thinking. And also after reading this book, I’m tempted to watch the Disney version again, and pick out the differences and see if I can still pick up on these hidden themes.