Tom Sawyer

The adventures of Tom Sawyer is more like Tom Sawyer, the troublemaker. In the beginning of the book, the reader can already see how much of a trouble maker he is. He easily persuades his friends to do his punishment. I feel as though Tom Sawyer is a mischievous kid who simply likes adventure and doing his own thing. This can relate to many children who read this story since many children like the idea of going on an adventure and being a rebel at one point in their childhood.

Something that struck me as interesting is the fact that Tom grew up with this Aunt Polly, so it makes me think that if he grew up with both his mother and father, would his actions and behavior be different. Is it because he has no father figure that he is the way he is? How would things be different if he had both parents?

Although Tom is a mischievous kid who doesn’t like following the rule, it seems as though he gets away with a lot of things simply because of the saying, “boys will be boys.” This means that boys are allowed to do such things because that’s just what boys do. What if a girl is mischievous, then why is it not allowed for her to be this way. I feel like back in the day, girls are seem to be proper and to just stay home to play with dolls so if a girl acts the way that Tom did, then it would be a bigger problem.

The Adventures of Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn

I was looking forward to reading “The Adventures of Tom Sawyer” in this class. I have read “The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn” before. While that book is about Tom’s friend Huckleberry, Tom still plays a role in the beginning and the end of the story. I knew Tom was the protagonist in the original story, but I didn’t know much about him, other than what I learned from Huckleberry Finn. Already having a basic idea about his character will make it very interesting to get to learn even more about him.

I knew that Tom was a troublemaker and as soon as the book started, it confirmed my beliefs. The book starts with Aunt Polly searching for him, while he is eating the jam. When she catches him he plays a trick on her to get away. Tom is a mischievous young boy in both books. I was also excited to see characters I met in the second book show up right away. Tom speaks to Jim about his stories, and Jim is a main character in Huck’s adventures. Also, we meet Sid, Tom’s half-brother who Huck pretends to be. Being able to make these connections as I read has made the story much more enjoyable.