Alice in Wonderland

As reading Alice in Wonderland, it very much reminds so of children growing up. As Alice was a very curious girl, so are many young boys and girls growing up. For example, children are very wondrous and want to seem to know the answer to everything, such as “Why do I have to go to school”, and sometimes even more difficult questions such as “Where do babies come from?” Just as how Alice was very curios about many things, such as seeing the rabbit with a waist-coat pocket, it really has her young mind wandering all over. What I noticed is that Alice constantly uses the term “I wonder”, which means she is repetitively using her mind and imagination. This could not be anymore relevant to children today, who are also constantly always wondering why things are the way they are. Also like children, Alice is very careless and carefree. Not caring whether a Wednesday falls on a Monday. As Alice continues to shrink, instead of panicking and behaving frantically, she just continues to wonder what would happen if she continues to get smaller. This innocence shows me that this story is directly for children, as they can relate to it so much.