Alice’s Adventure in Wonderland: Fantasy or Reality

Throughout the story of “Alice’s Adventure In Wonderland” Alice our protagonist have been eating and drinking sweets of some kind which alter her size in some way, but what really is interesting is the mushroom or fungi which was different compare to the other food Alice have intake thus far. Looking up the year the story was publish it was around the 1860s somewhere in Europe which made me dug a little deeper in identifying the type of mushroom which Alice might have eaten. After eating the mushroom Alice experience something that might be of a fantasy which she ether grew in size or shrunk depending which side she took a bite from, but this might be reality because there is a type of fungi known as Psilocybin which causes hallucination which in Alice case growing bigger or shrinking smaller. These fungi other than causing the eater hallucination can also changes the perception and distort time of a person. So is Alice’s adventure really just a fantasy or reality mixed with a little hallucination either way this is all happening in Alice’s head.