The Adventures of Tom Sawyer

Tom sawyer


The Adventures of Tom Sawyer paints a picture of a young boy who is indeed adventurous. Despite his wild, reckless side he is also very calculating and manipulative. Another side that I found interesting is the very dramatic part of his persona. When his aunt Polly mistakenly  “belts” him for dropping the sugar bowl in Chapter 3, Tom takes great pleasure in the fact that his aunt is visibly remorseful. He starts to think about how it would be if he were “lying sick unto his death” and his aunt would be trying to seek forgiveness but he would turn his face away from her. Then he takes it a step further, envisioning himself dead and his aunt throwing herself on top of his lifeless body begging God for forgiveness for abusing him. I found this humorous because he has such an overactive imagination. I love this character because he is 100% authentic, there are no pretenses with Tom. He is everything that he wants to be without anything or anyone holding him back. It can be considered self-centered but it’s fun to read about since most people try to abide by rules. Tom is keenly perceptive and is a bit of a social scientist, conducting experiments on anyone he comes in contact with and trying to figure out how to get what he wants.