Alice in WONDERland

In Lewis Carroll’s story of Alice’s Adventure in Wonderland, Alice seems to always have her mind wondering about everything. When Alice wonders about everything, her thoughts tend to come out very bluntly or simplistic. Alice talks to other characters in such a deeming way in which she believes she knows everything. Although Alice is quick to judge other characters, her intentions are not malicious; I believe it is because of her simple mind. With a simple mind, it may be hard for Alice to understand her own words that come out of her mouth.

Alice would like to be an adult but her actions simply do not convey that notion. She is easily persuaded to do as told or do things out of rash decisions. When it came down to eating or drinking those “new” foods, she gladly just took them without thinking about the consequences. Her road to adulthood will be a long one because throughout the book, Alice gave off “typical high school teenager” vibe to her.