Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland

Alice in wonderlandAs a child I don’t really remember hearing much about Alice and Wonderland, so reading it now as an adult was an extremely interesting task. While reading the story, I noticed that everything happening to Alice happened because she was curious. The whole reason why she ended up falling down the tunnel into wonderland was because she wanted to see more of the white rabbit. Even though she was a very young child, she was smart enough to recognize that seeing a rabbit with a coat and a stopwatch was something that was out of the norm. So, since she knew this she wanted to further explore this peculiar creature. Furthermore, in my opinion I also feel that Alice’s curiosity sparked everything that happened to her after she fell down the tunnel to wonderland. Since she wanted to know what was behind the small door, she stuck her head through it and found out that it was a beautiful garden. After this, she drunk a potion with a label on the front of the bottle that said “Drink Me”, not knowing what was going to happen to her after she drank it. However, her curiosity caused her to drink this mysterious liquid in a bottle, which started so much more chaos than she originally began with. Ultimately, toward the end of the first half of the book Alice began to wonder how to get anywhere away from all of the weird things that were happening to her in wonderland. So, I think after a while Alice began to appreciate the life she considered to be boring in the beginning of the story and she wanted nothing more than to return back home; however this furthered her curiosity even more because she started to wonder what she needed to do to get back home.