Course schedule


* This course schedule is tentative and subject to change according to the needs and interests of the class.

T 1/31 Introduction to class  
Th 2/2 Nick Couldry, “Introduction: digital media and social theory” (pp. 1-28)

Multimedia workshop

Blogpost 1 due: 2/7
  Digital histories  
T 2/14 Ch 1. Building a digital society

Alan Turing, “Computing Machinery and Intelligence”

Th 2/16 Light, Jennifer. 1999. “When Computers Were Women.” Technology and Culture 40: 455-483.

Edwards, Paul. 1996. “Why Build Computers?: The Military Role in Computer Research.” In The Closed World: Computers and the Politics of Discourse in Cold War America. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. pp. 43-52.

2 facilitators
T 2/21 Lev Manovich. 2001. “What is New Media?” In The Language of New Media. Cambridge: MIT Press. pp. 19-48. 2 facilitators
Th 2/23 Watch: Werner Herzog, Lo and Behold: Reveries of the Connected World (2016) 1 facilitator


Blogpost 2 due: 2/22

  Digital individuals  
T 2/28 Sherry Turkle, “Identity in the Age of the Internet” and “Aspects of the Self,” from Life on the Screen 2 facilitators
Th 3/2 Ch 3. Typing the user

Ch 5. Pleasing bodies

2 facilitators
T 3/7 Ch 7. My personal public 1 facilitator


Blogpost 3 due: 3/6

  Digital authorities  
Th 3/9 Ch 14. Under scrutiny

Lawrence Lessig, chapter 1 “Code is Law” from Code 2.0 (pp 1-8), 2006, New York, NY: Basic Books.

2 facilitators
T 3/14 Vaidhyanathan, Siva. 2003. “Copyright and American Culture: Ideas, Expressions, and Democracy,” in Copyrights and Copywrongs: The Riseof Intellectual Property and How It Threatens Creativity. New York: NYU Press. pp. 17-34. 2 facilitators
Th 3/16 Mark Andrejevic. 2007. Introduction. In iSpy: Surveillance and Power in the Interactive Era , 1-21. 1 facilitator
T 3/21 Carole Cadwalladr, “Google, democracy and the truth about internet search” 1 facilitator

Blogpost 4 due: 3/20

Th 3/23 Review  
T 3/28 Exam I  
Th 3/30 Group multimedia project discussion

Multimedia workshop

  Digital economies  
T 4/4 Ch 9. The road to serverdom


1 facilitator
Th 4/6 Ch 10. Digital property

Watch: Rip!


1 facilitator
4/10-18 Spring recess  
Th 4/20 Classes follow Monday schedule Blogpost 6 due: 4/20
T 4/25 ch 11. Consuming power

Grace Dobush, “How Etsy alienated its crafters and lost its soul


2 facilitators
Th 4/27 Mark Andrejevic. 2011. “Surveillance and Alienation in the Online Economy.” Surveillance & Society  8 (3): 278-287. 1 facilitator


Blogpost 5 due: 4/26

  Digital communities, public, networks  
T 5/2 Ch 13. Virtual democracy *1 facilitator


Th 5/4 H. Jenkins and S. Ford, Spreadable Media Creating Value and Meaning in a Networked Culture (Chapter 4)

Samuel Freedman, “In a New Ritual, Many Find Solace Online

*2 facilitators

*2 groups presentation

T 5/9 Lisa Nakamura, “Cybertyping and the Work of Race in the Age of Digital Reproduction,” from Cybertypes

Frank Schaap, “Disaggregation, Technology, and Masculinity,” from Critical Cyberculture Studies

*2 facilitators

*2 groups presentation

Th 5/11 Carl Sagan, “The Fine Art of Baloney Detection” from The Demon-Haunted World: Science as a Candle in the Dark (1996)

Eric Weiskott, “Before ‘Fake News’ Came False Prophecy” in The Atlantic, Dec 27, 2016
Andrew Higgins, Mike McIntire, and Gabriel J. X. Dance, “Inside a Fake News Sausage Factory” in The New York Times, Nov 25, 2016

*2 facilitators

*2 groups presentation

*Blogpost 7 due: 5/10

T 5/16 Review *3 groups presentation


Th 5/18 Exam II  
  Group multimedia project due TBA