
The future is always blank. Only your willpower can leave footsteps there.

  • 3D Printed Digital Piano

    3D Printed Digital Piano

    Starting as an Entrepreneurship Ambassador at the MakerHub, I was assigned with creating one of my own projects using the resources available to me. Looking around the room I had more than enough at my arsenal: a big MakerBot 3D printer, a couple of arduino boards, some tools and wires, and an idea. Planning Naturally,…

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  • Case Studies in Operations Management

    Below I have attached some of the presentation material and deliverables my teams and I had put together based on privately published Harvard Business Case Studies. A typical organizational analysis consisted of Organizing the following presentations with my group required precision, concision and professionalism as the Capstone course was meant to simulate the procedural analysis…

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  • 3D Printed Ukulele

    This project was a lot less creative than the piano, but JUST AS COOL FOR ME! Using a public access file on Thingiverse, I exported the .stl’s of the full ukulele. Due to size constraints of the build plate on my MakerBot Replicator+, I had to print the full body and neck in four different…

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