
For this assignment I chose to order from McDonalds in different accents or languages. I’d like to start by explaining the resources that I used to complete my audio recordings. The main hardware was my Macbook containing Garage Band. I then made three recordings, one in English, one in French, and one in Spanish. Thankfully, I had the accessibility of knowing someone that is trilingual. She speaks English, Spanish, and French.

English Recording

[soundcloud url=”http://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/68366000″ iframe=”true” /]

Spanish Recording

[soundcloud url=”http://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/68366084″ iframe=”true” /]

French Recording

[soundcloud url=”http://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/68365648″ iframe=”true” /]


It is obvious to tell what I ordred in the English recording, but for the French and Spanish I ordered things that McDonalds would sell in Spanish and French speaking countries  For example, in the Spanish recording the customer orders an arepa, a typical south american food, and a frescolita, a typical south american soda. In the French recording, the customer does order a big mac which is seen in the United States, but the point is to show how Global McDonalds is. This leads to the historical argument I created from doing this assignment, which is despite McDonalds being an American company, there are one of the more international company worldwide.

I chose not to do any type of accent for the English recording, because I figured if I am comparing different countries I wouldn’t to put on a southern or “New York” accent on to prove the point. It is obvious why I chose not to do the Spanish and French recording because, I simply doing speak those languages or good enough where I can record myself clearly and articulate myself correctly.


The audio assignment I will be choosing is the “May I Take Your Order” assignment. This will require me to use an accent and pretend that I am ordering from a McDonalds. I will use a recording device, probably from my iPhone to produce my assignment. The historical argument that I will attempt to create is to show how global a company like  McDonalds is and how there are so many different types of people eating at McDonalds.


top 10 defense budgets


This is picture above shows how much money different countries are spending on their military. Although it is in 2011 you can get a good idea who is on the top of the list(United States) and which countries follow.

For reasons why I think this is a powerful graphical representation is simple… Look at the numbers and the country that corresponds with it!



My group would benefit a lot if we used maps and data to express our information. Since we are focusing on different elections throughout history, we can use data from voters to how they felt about different president’s campaign. We can take data from individual states or the country as a whole and see how one sets of ideas favored some voters and another set of ideas favored other voters (Republican and Democratic).

The value of mapping can be useful when researching Presidential Elections, because many surveys are presented in a map form. One of the more famous maps is the one that shows which state will go Republican (Red) and Democratic (Blue). Im sure based on the topic of my group’s project we will be looking at this type of map from multiple elections or creating this type of map to help facilitate our project.


One of the main questions that my group is considering basing our project on is: how often do presidents and opposing candidates break or keep their promises while in office or running for office? The idea of text mining is to thoroughly read different articles or other forms of written research and to find patterns throughout the research. These patterns consist of repeating statements or words that a person, in this president or opposing candidate), would say. This is a very beneficial way of doing our research because when a candidate is running for president or any type of office they usually use specific phrases to get the public’s attention and they constantly repeat these phrases whenever they are in public.

Like, my group member Tatsiana stated in her post, we attempt to compare what the president did during his term and what he said when he was campaigning. Unfortunatly the class is only until december, so we will not be able to do the project for the entire 4 year term of the president for this current election, but hopefully we will get an idea of what he will do up until the due date of this proejct. Along with this current election, we will also look at past presidencies and make the same coomparison. It is important that I say this becase both professors use this current election as a topic for postings and for topics of discussion in class, so it would only seem appropriate to integrate this election into our project.


Group Members: Phillip Bleustein, Estevan Roman, Tatsiana Vashkevich

Name of Group: Group 2 ( Will change in future)

2-3 Historical Questions We are Considering: 

  • How does the appearance effect the outcome of the presidential election?
  • What role does religious affiliation of the candidate play during the candidate campaign?
  • What are the boundaries of the exaggerated/unachievable promises during presidential campaign?

A Brief Description of the Expected Scope of Our Project:

  • We are hoping that we can create the parallels between common issues and facts that play important role during 2012 presidential elections and other historical presidential elections. This historic perspective may help us to uncover deep issues that truly matter and continue to be a driving force that carries winning candidate to the top.

A List of Challenges and Potential That You Are Having now, or Anticipate as you Work on the Project:

  • Not being together for a majority of the project, and having to collaborate our work on our google doc.
  • There are always external factor that come in to play unexpectedly and having to embrace those factors and work through them could be a problem at time.

Optional: discuss technologies, formats, and work-flow that you may employ:

  • Embedding pics, video, audio, likely all through when applicable.
  • Google Docs
  • Youtube and Blogger



Database: Encyclopedia of American Government

Nixon, Richard, Campaigning in 1968

The caption underneath the image says ” Candidates and their campaign managers try to orchestrate public appearances that will put the candidate in a favorable light. Richard Nixon appears the hero in this 1968 campaign photo. (Source: National Archives.)”

Q: Who created the artifact?

A: National Archives

Q: When was the artifact created?

A: 1968

Q: Where was it created?

A: Washington D.C.

Q: Why was the document created?

A: At the time that this image was taken, the 1968 Presidential Election was happening, where Richard Nixon won. This is why the image is showing Nixon with his arms in the air.

Q: Why is the document a primary source?

A: The image was taken while the event was happening making it an “eye witness”. Also, there is an option while I was searching to select only primary sources.

Q: How trustworthy is the source?

A: The image comes from the National Archives which is a reliable source for images and information.

Q: What other questions might you ask of the source in order to better understand what it reveals about the events?

A: I would ask for a specific date, because in history dates are one of the most important facts when learning about history. Events happen so quickly in history that is is beneficial to the reader or viewer to know when specifically this event was happening.


The image I chose for this assignment is not a direct cultural conflict, but it can still be considered a controversial because it was an extremely important election. With things like the Vietnam War, Communism, and the Civil Rights Movement all happening it makes this election imperative to the future of the United States, and many historical events occurred during the term of the winning candidate which was came to be Richard Nixon. To further my research on the election there would be a few things I would do to accomplish that. One, I go on google.com and go to the scholar area of the site where I only works made by scholars have been published. Two, I would look through old newspapers articles. For example, I would look back into the archives of the New York Times and the Wall Street Journal which are highly respected newspapers and read up on events that occurred going into the election and the future president. For the sake of this class, I would ask myself some questions when reading up the topic. I would look at where the information is stemming from, when was it published, and by whom was it published.








Database: American History & Life

In the 1960’s and leading up to the 1968 Presidential Election, communism was a large problem in the U.S. The article, “Make Your Voice Heard” talks about the increase in education for students, specifically in math and science. The United States felt that after the launch of Sputnik by the Soviet Union, there needed to be an increase in education so that U.S. can try and keep up with the other communist countries. The U.S. also felt there needed to be an increase in the Social Studies and foreign language. This was a time period were there was heavy tension between the United States and the Soviet Union. Students were specifically studying “international communism” to make them aware of what is going elsewhere in the world.

Database: New York Times (1851- 2008)

The Vietnam War was among many of the issues during the 60’s. “Vietnam in 1968“, is an article by the NY Times that talks about increase in military by President Johnson in Vietnam and how negotiations are a falso hope. An important point that the article makes is that President Johnson has got the U.S. into a war without going through Congress.

Database: New York State Newspapers

In the article, “Civil Rights Activist Speaks of the 60’s“, LeRoy Glenn Wight, a civil rights activist discusses his experience while taking a bus ride to fight against segregation in the 60’s. The article mentions other activists and their experiences dealing with the era of the civil rights movement.

The Vietnam War, Civil Rights Movement, and Communism are three of many conflicts that were going on in the United States and the world in the 60’s and leading up the 1968 Presidential Election.


Phillip Bleustein


The community of DS106 is an open online class that allows for students to contribute their ideas in an open digital space. The class community is in favor of the “Commons”. They like being able to integrate their ideas into open digital space without worrying about copyright. They  feel that while being able to collaborate their ideas with other’s it also gives others inspiration.  DS 106 is not so different from our Digital History class that we are in. The definitions assignment that we did is very similar to the DS106 class. As a group we were contributing our ideas into a digital space for others to learn and bounce their ideas off of ours.


My contribution to the group document was providing the intial definition for flexibility which came from the text written by Rosenzweig and Dan Cohen. I first included a word for word definition as provided by the text, and then gave my own summary of how the two authors see the word, flexibility, relative to digital history. While doing this assignments I thought that having this be a group work allows me and others to view other people’s work, so that we can see how they formatted their contribution and use it to help us.
