Round 2 blog ,Jennifer Condor

The article, “My Metric for success? Happiness”by Richard Branson addresses something meaningful to me in terms of what success means to me. He talks about how success is not measure by the amount of money of a person earns or by the status of a person.The idea  that he is trying to enforce is that money is not happiness and if it is , it doesn’t create long term happiness. While reading this article I realized that when Branson states, “My family are my greatest achievement. When they are happy, I am happy, and that make me feel so successful.” , he is referring to the fact that the people that we are close to, makes us feel like  we have achieve so much because of the motivation and happiness they give us.He also mentions that doing what you love is what makes you feel that success you long for.I agree with the message he is giving his audience saying that life is too short and that happiness should be in everyone’s list of goals because without happiness , can someone really feel successful?This article made me realize that I should take any chance I have to find out what I’m truly passionate about and eventually find ways to balance the challenges that will come in my life with my goals of becoming successful. Success is not something that I fear but it is something that I want to have with my effort and hard work and something that has been achieved with a good mindset and motives.

Article website : “My Metric for success?Happiness”, Richard Branson

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One Response to Round 2 blog ,Jennifer Condor

  1. I completely agree with Richard Branson’s interpretation of success which is, success is not measured by the amount of money the person earns nor the status the person has. I think that for decades, most people have gone to college to pursue careers that they believe bring in the most amount of money rather than pursue something that makes them truly happy. It’s true that we need money to survive in this world, it’s unfortunate but it is the reality of life, but money isn’t everything that this life has to offer. One thing that really stuck out for me in his article was when he mentions a quote from John Lennon which was”When I went to school, they asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up. I wrote down ‘happy’. They told me I didn’t understand the assignment, and I told them they didn’t understand life.” I really connected with this line on a personal level because it just comes to show how the school system brainwashes our minds from a very young age and have us to believe that the career we choose should be the main focus of our lives rather than self care and happiness that we should be pursuing. The way I always interpreted having a job was, if you work in a job that you enjoy passionately and it makes you get up in the morning ready to begin the day rather than dread it, then it’s like you never work a day in your life. After reading the article and Condors response to the article, I agreed with her when she mentions how it made her realize that she should take any chance she gets in order to find her true passion in life. I think that everyone should search for the career that truly defines who they are because at the end of the day, we only get one life but we have the chance to make it worth wild.

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