
Hi! My name is Chris Colavito and i am a junior. I am 23 years old and I transferred to Baruch this semester to pursue a degree in Finance. I live in Levittown out on Long Island, and transferred out from Nassau Community College. In my early college life i was very unsure of myself and decided to take what in my opinion was the easy way out and go for a criminal justice. After being accepted in the Department of Corrections academy i realized that the field was not for me and that i should chase my real dreams in finance and in particular Investment banking. What better more cost efficient school than Baruch’s Zicklin School of Business? Although i commute out from Nassau County it is a decision i gladly made to better my future. I definitely lived it up while i could during the school break, I traveled to Vegas a couple of times to visit a friend who moved there. I am motivated and excited to put forth my best effort here at Baruch college.

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