
The main character in this play, Tartuffe exemplifies extreme religious hypocrisy in more ways than one. Through the entirety of this work Tartuffe continuously contradicts his supposed Catholic values by committing sinful acts against a multitude of the included characters. One of the most obvious examples of this in the play is his lustful behavior toward Elmire regardless of her clear disinterest. A secondary illustration of the outward religious hypocrisy of Tartuffe is his use of severe manipulation to persuade Orgon into trusting him around his family and eventually with his estate. An example of modern day religious hypocrisy similar to this is the way that some higher powers in the Catholic community have been known to use their power for their own advancement. This can occur when the member of the community uses their status as a spiritual being and leader in the church maliciously to acquire more followers or wealth using these false pretenses.

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