Wollstonecraft Reading for Monday, 2/25

There appears to be a problem accessing the reading for Monday.  The excerpt from Mary Wollstonecraft’s book  A Vindication of the Rights of Woman that I assigned you is part of a larger electronic resource created specifically as an accompaniment to Great Works courses and administered by the Newman Library here at Baruch.  I have been in touch with the library and am waiting to see if they can straighten out the problem and get the resource back on line.

However, assuming that that doesn’t happen in time for you to access the reading and prepare for Monday’s class, do not despair!  I will bring hard copies of the reading to class on Monday, and we will work through it together!

Don’t forget to read over the assignment for your first essay (posted above under the “Assignments” tab) before coming to class on Monday!

See you on Monday!

Professor Sylvor

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