Kafka, “The Metamorphosis”

–Do you think that Gregor is more powerful BEFORE or AFTER his metamorphosis?  Explain your response.

–How is Gregor’s family transformed in the wake of his metamorphosis?

–At the end of the second section of the story, Gregor’s father pelts him with apples.  What do you think this episode is about?

–Gregor emerges from his room one last time when he hears his sister playing her violin for the lodgers.  What is the significance of this? What meaning does music hold for Gregor here?

–Ultimately, what do you think Gregor’s metamorphosis means?  What does it mean to be transformed into a giant bug?

–Explain your understanding of Gregor’s death.  How/why does he ultimately die?

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10 Responses to Kafka, “The Metamorphosis”

  1. Richard Sam says:

    How is Gregor’s family transformed in the wake of his metamorphosis?

    Ever since Gregor’s transformation into a giant cockroach, the family had been greatly impacted from their attitudes to their lifestyles. The moment Gregor had awaken from his metamorphosis, everyone’s lives had been slowly changing due to the fact he was the only one providing a source of income. Everyone including Gregor’s dad, mom and sister began working so they can support the family. The transformation leads to Gregor’s dad becoming a stay at home dad to a hard working cranky old man. In addition, Grete at the end of the story becomes a beautiful woman and cares less for Gregor due to the fact he turned into a giant bug.

  2. a.malik5 says:

    How is Gregor’s family transformed in the wake of his metamorphosis?

    Gregor’s family started to contribute towards the family income in what ever way they could. The father who seemed feeble and unable to work was now wouldn’t take off his uniform and his mother found a way to contribute to as well. His sister starting working for a company ans was thinking of becoming a saleswoman herself.

    During the course of the story they stared to treat him more as an animal and eventually tried to get rid of him. The removal of the furniture and eventual turning his room into a dumping ground for unwanted items gives us that feel. The son who before took care of them had now become a burden to them. In his death his father says “now we can give thanks to God”.

  3. Judith says:

    Gregor emerges from his room one last time when he hears his sister playing her violin for the lodgers. What is the significance of this? What meaning does music hold for Gregor here?

    When Gretes begins to play the violin, Gregor becomes enticed with her playing and slowly begins to emerge from his room. Hearing his sister play the violin brought a sense of familiarity to Gregor and reminded him of how he had discussed violin as a career and how he didn’t have an ear for music. What is different now is that Gregor found beauty in her playing and felt a larger appreciation for music.

  4. s.sahmanovic says:

    –Do you think that Gregor is more powerful BEFORE or AFTER his metamorphosis? Explain your response.

    I believe that Gregor is more powerful before his metamorphosis because his family relied on him to provide. His job was the only thing that was valued by his family. After his metamorphosis, he has to rely on his sister to give him food and is confined in his room. He truly exhibits the traits of a bug as his family is disgusted by him and he finds human food to be dissatisfying. Furthermore, Gregor realizes that his family has the ability to work and provide for themselves. Post metamorphosis, Gregor diminishes in value and becomes the outsider to his family.

  5. s.mccalpin says:

    How is Gregor’s family transformed in the wake of his metamorphosis?
    Gregor’s family has grown more independent and have taken a more team like approach when it comes on to the welfare of the family. They have definitely matured more and have started to seek alternative ways to make ends meet after completely giving up on the fact that Gregor will ever be able to assume his role again as the breadwinner.

  6. Jean says:

    Ultimately, what do you think Gregor’s metamorphosis means? What does it mean to be transformed into a giant bug?

    The metamorphosis is about the alienation and isolation of someone that has lost its value to society. Gregor had immense value prior to his awakening into a vermin, after his transformation he discovers that the value or leverage he had in his family had diminish into that of a pest. His transformation is metaphorical in a way, he was a person with a selfless motive in life, he had no actual connections to society apart from his job, he was a detached individual that only cared about work, sort of bug-like, a worker bee or ant fashion. The common work ant/bee has value until it can no longer gather value for the good of the family/hive. Gregor appears to be feeling ill and had to miss work, which already conflicts with his one and only role, to work and make money. Since then his transformation into a pest or sick person emphasizes the lack of value Gregor actually has in his family.

  7. l.qi says:

    Explain your understanding of Gregor’s death. How/why does he ultimately die?
    Actually , we have disscussed the reaosn why Gregor ultimately dies.
    One possible reason is that Gregor loses all his hope. Gregor’s sister has an important position in Gregor’s heart. However, at the end, Greta wants to expel Gregor from the family, which must be heart-broken to Gregor. From that moment, Gregor has fully transformed into a out-sider of the whole family.
    Another interesting explaniation is that Gregor decides to Sacrifice himself for the well-being of the whole family. The final statment of Greta kind of reminds Gregor. If Gregor turns into a burden to his family, he would better to expel himself. That’s a classical Gregor-logic : always acts on behalf of the well-being of the whole family. If we think in that point of view, it comes very naturally that he finally chooses to die.

  8. Ed says:

    How is Gregor’s family transformed in the wake of his metamorphosis?

    Before the metamorphosis, Gregor’s family is dependent on him. His job is what kept the family afloat. After he is transformed we see the family quickly turn against him and after some time passes they learn to move on. The family learns to be independent and realize that they did not need Gregor’s job in order to live a moderate life.

  9. Kunal Sharma says:

    How is Gregor’s family transformed in the wake of his metamorphosis?

    Gregor’s family is transformed to their better selves in the wake of his metamorphosis. Before metamorphosis, Gregor was the only one working and earning for the entire family. Post-metamorphosis, everyone in the family starts working, his father who seemed to be reluctant towards taking responsibilities does not stop working now, his sister is working in a firm, and mother is contributing to her capability too. Gregor’s metamorphosis results in the betterment of his family as it makes them responsible but also, it makes them want to get rid of him as he is no more useful to them as a bug.

  10. r.hoffmann says:

    –How is Gregor’s family transformed in the wake of his metamorphosis?

    Gregor’s metamorphosis actually helps his family further their lives. Before they relied on Gregor to supply them with money and support them in all their needs where they just stayed home and did nothing. After the metamorphosis they learned to support themselves and support Gregor. All of the family members ended up getting jobs and also caring for Gregor where before Gregor was the one caring for all of them instead.

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