Extra credit : The field Center for entrepreneurship

Recently I had the opportunity to attend the field center for entrepreneurship. Personally, I was really interested in going to this event because of my interest in the field of entrepreneurship but nevertheless less I had a great time. As I walked In, I didn’t know what to expect exactly, so a young woman brought me over to her station to explain a little about the event.The young women informed me that different students and colleague had come up with games and different technical devices to share with visitors , so they can have a sense of what this event is all about. From her station, she showed me her creation of a little code box, She further explains that when you download an app you can use your camera on your device to hover over the code box. You can see different planets and facts about the planet. I thought that was really interesting. She also let me hold the iPad to let m see how a 360 VR video would work. she went on youtube and let me see different 360 VR videos.A 360 VR video when you watch a video and with your device can control the movement in the first person view. it was my first time knowing this, i was really excited and impressed by this. On the next station called “ HTC VIVE virtual Reality “, a young man explained to me how he created a game where you can play in virtual reality based on the environment. I had a fun time enjoying this station because I personally love playing video games and playing it virtually was really fun . I don’t often have games based on this format so it was a really good experience. In this game, the goal is to kill as many targets as possible, I had to wear a mask that let me control my movements and I had to use two of my finger to shoot the targets. At first, I had a little difficulty getting the gist of the game but soon after I got the hang of it as I was excelling. I would say this experience has been an eye opener for me I had a great time.

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