
Hello my name is Robert Hoffmann, I am a transfer student at Baruch and am majoring in business CIS which stands for computer information systems.  Another term for it is data analytics. I just came back from Colorado where I went snowboarding with a friend of mine.  I love hockey but can no longer play most due to an injury to my shoulder but snowboarding is something I try to do as much as possible over the course of each winter.  This is my first semester at Baruch and I am still trying to learn the in and outs of going to school here but its going well so far.  Some things I do in my spare time are go to the gym and play video games.  I am a very competitive person and am passionate about the things I care about.  In my opinion a person should always take pride in their work. I really dislike reading and writing probably two of my least favorite things to do for school so this class is very out of my comfort zone.  Occasionally I will find I enjoy a book or literary work that is required for school but other then that I normally do not read things on my own other then internet posts.  I hope this semester I enjoy one of the literary works that are required to read for this class. Another thing about me is that I do not live in the city I live on long island and commute to school here every day.  The commute is usually around an hour and twenty minutes long which isn’t that bad especially since most of it is just a train ride.  I am almost done with school and I hope I can do well my first semester here so I can finish my degree either this upcoming December or by spring of 2020.  After school its off to the real world to find a suitable job and career for my degree either here in New York or perhaps looking into going to Los Angelas. I hope to have a great first semester here at Baruch.

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