Extra Credit Assignment: Music

For the Art-A-Thon I went to a jazz piano lesson for beginners taught by Professor Anne Swartz and was possibly the best morning I have had so far at Baruch. Professor Anne Swartz was so nice and very good at teaching the piano that I am considering taking piano classes in the future. I use to play the clarinet in middle school, so I was a little bit familiar with instruments, but since then I have completely forgotten how to play.

I arrived at 9am and waited until it was my turn to play the piano. I learned pretty quickly to read the music sheet and how to play the beginners part of the Jazz music sheet. Since I learned the beginners part quickly, professor Swartz taught me how to play with both hands instead of one. After being taught, I went into one of the private piano rooms to practice for a while. It was very exciting when I started to get a hold of the music, however, I kept messing up my left-hand part. Eventually, I finished practicing and I went back to play for professor Swartz along with another student and to my surprise, I had actually learned the entire thing. Playing alongside professor Swartz and another student felt very natural and made the whole experience a lot better. We were all in sync and hearing the outcome of all our hard work created an everlasting memory inside my head. When we left I asked if I could keep the music sheet so I could practice at home. That night I did go home and plugged in my electronic piano and kept practicing. I forgot how enjoyable playing an instrument can be. Since then, every other day I plug in my computer and play a few different types of music from soundtracks of my favorite movies or TV shows.

I am a very creative person and I like all types of art. That is why when I heard the extra credit involved Art, I was very excited. I am minoring in art and therefore I think I will take some piano classes.

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