Modernism in Visual Art

This image requires alt text, but the alt text is currently blank. Either add alt text or mark the image as decorative.This image requires alt text, but the alt text is currently blank. Either add alt text or mark the image as decorative.This was the first time I ever Visited the Museum of Modern Art and it was an amazing experience. I took my time going through all the floors and when I finally arrived at the 5th floor I saw incredible work all around, however, there was one piece that caught my attention the most.  The name of the artwork was called “Man with a Guitar” by Georges Braque which was made in 1912. George Braques was the leading face of cubism and most of his work consisted of still life and other images that can be viewed through different perspectives, whether it is the color, texture, or the type of lines. According to, Georges Braque glued ads to his work which paved and foreshadowed another movement called Pop Art. This was surprising because last semester I actually wrote a speech about Pop Art and Andy Warhol, so reading this information was very interesting. Going back to the painting, the mode the artwork was made in is called Analytic Cubism which involves basic principle shapes that overlap to create different ideas in the art piece. According to Georges Braque created a 3D illusion to make people try and understand the concept of a man playing the guitar that is broken down into “Geometrical shapes”.  Since this art piece is analytic cubism it is a stream of modernism. When walking around the Museum everyone was attracted to the starry night, which was nice to look at, but I wanted to focus my attention on all these other beautiful pieces. When I arrived at this particular art piece I was really interested in it because it reminded me of a concept that a music artist used in his music video in which the picture was distorted just like this image. Therefore, I stayed and tried to analyze this particular art piece to figure out what it was. My impatience prevailed and I eventually looked up on the internet to get more details on this art piece. Some question I have for this art piece is why a man playing the guitar? I like to know what inspires an artist. Was George Braques walking down the street and saw a man playing the guitar? Everyone gets their inspiration from different things and I personally like to know what an artist thinks of. It’s like stepping into the artist’s shoes for a brief second.

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One Response to Modernism in Visual Art

  1. JSylvor says:

    Jose, I’m glad you enjoyed your visit to the museum. Now you know that you can always enter for free with your CUNY id. This painting by Braque is a great example of cubism, and I think you’ve done a good job of explaining how cubists approach the challenge of representing a three dimensional object on a two dimensional canvas. I don’t know what attracted Braque to this particular subject, but it does seem to be the case that visual artists often include other arts and other kinds of artists (dancers, musicians, etc…) in their work.

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