

My name is Edward Monge. I’m 21 years old and live on Long Island. I graduated from Nassau Community College this past summer with an Associates in Business Marketing. There I frequently volunteered within the school and was even the Secretary of the Marketing Club. I decided to take this past fall off to intern at a small software technology firm called Utmost Technologies where I dealt with social media management. It was a great experience as I learned to use advertisement promotions, web & graphic design and coding. In addition I have also worked at an Italian Restaurant called Calogero’s on Long Island for five years where I serve, bartender and am also the social media manager. This is my first semester at Baruch and with that comes a new chapter in my life. I just transferred and it is exciting to meet many new people with great opportunities. My biggest hobbies are keeping up with sports and attending games as I am a huge Knicks, Yankees and Jets fan. I have not taken any type of English class in many years so I look forward to having a great semester with everyone in this class.

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