
Hi everyone, my name is Christopher Toohey. I am 21 years old and this is my first semester at Baruch. I am a transfer student from Westchester Community College majoring in Finance. I live just outside of the city in Harrison where I grew up. It is about 40 minutes from the city, so the commute isn’t bad at all. It is great being so close to the city but also being able to get away from all the chaos. Throughout elementary school and middle school I played many sports: baseball, hockey, soccer, football, wrestling and basketball. I am a very active person and you can always find me at the gym! One of the few things I absolutely hate is being bored at home, I always try to keep myself busy with different activities. I enjoy outside activities, during the summer I like to go on hikes (Bear Mountain & Anthony’s Nose is a great place!), runs in the woods and riding quads with my friends. During the winter I snowboard – I have been snowboarding since a young age, I started skiing but after a couple of years I picked up snowboarding and fell in love with it. I go to Hunter Mountain often and whenever I find the time to I take the trip to Vermont for the weekend.

When it comes to school, my strength lies in mathematics and communication. Now that I am in a different college I look forward to being more involved in student activities as well as in my classes. I was an orientation leader at WCC and I had an amazing experience being involved on campus so I am hoping to have the same, if not a better experience here. I am also looking to join some clubs around campus, being involved makes studying that much better! I’m excited to be going to school in the city and making new friends. I’m a very outgoing person and I love to meet new people and get to know them! I also love to help people whenever I can, I am always willing to lend a hand when possible.


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