Saving $$$ with a computer – Method 1

This post is a continuation of my last post on Saving $$$ with a smart phone. Take a quick look if you haven’t already to get an idea of what I’ll be doing here.

For my last post, you might have to be a little tech-savvy, to understand and follow through. But in this post, anyone and everyone, even beginners, can use this technique to save some $$$ using a computer. Google is the BEST and most AMAZING search engine/tool (in my opinion). I’m sure everyone has heard of it or used it before, if you haven’t, google it. In the video below, I’ll show you a technique I use on Google to find the best competitive pricing on an item I want to buy. I’ll be using the Apple Airpods Pro as an example. With this technique, I managed to save myself $37.27.