On this blog, it’ll surround the E-commerce world. Everything e-commerce mainly focusing on ways to generate income, but it’ll also include the latest trends, pros & cons and comparisons, how to save money, and many more subjects & ideas. On each blog, it’ll have a primary focus on a specific topic.
The reason for this topic, being a millennial, we’re all glued to our smartphones, laptops, and technology, we’re lazy, we complain about everything, we don’t want to work, let alone work for our money, but yet we WANT money! So why not get into E-commerce, you work off your smartphone or laptop, at your convenience, on your time and place, you don’t work or report to anyone, and most importantly you make money.
My blog isn’t specifically targeting millennials, but anyone who wants to learn a new way to generate income, tired of the typical office environment, dreadful 9 am – 5 pm schedule, working & reporting to a superior, not making enough money, wants to build something that’s theirs, tech-savvy individuals, or even non-tech-savvy individuals, and individuals who wish to learn more about e-commerce.
The world is increasingly moving towards e-commerce, most people, patriciates in some form of e-commerce, traditional brick and mortar retailers are disappearing. E-commerce is impacting everyone’s life one way or another, It’s has built many million-dollar empires, E-commerce given many jobs and opportunities to entrepreneurs, and made many individuals fortunes. E-commerce is the future, whether we like it or not, it is here to stay, and it’s just going to get bigger and more advanced.