Ric Dragon will be our guest lecturer on May 3rd. I made a really nice discovery last month, Ric is writing a weekly blog called “Big Brand Theory”. Please take a look at it: http://socialmediatoday.com/The_Big_Brand_Theory. His April 14 blog post is particularly interesting: http://socialmediatoday.com/ricdragon/2348941/big-brand-theory-arbys-listening
Ric is traveling into NYC from Poughkeepsie, New York to talk to us so please try to make a good impression on him by having a few questions about social media ready to ask him. There is a NYC office for his firm on 23rd Street so you never know; perhaps he is looking for prospective employees or interns.
I will send Ric your questions at the end of the week. Now how much more memorable can you be than to be the first person to pose a question? Here is the link for the Ric Dragon survey: http://1drv.ms/1lehCRF
I used Ric’s book Social Marketology extensively in my Social Media class last semester. The objective of my Social Media class was to have students learn how to drive traffic to their blogs so that later in life when they started their own companies they would know how to drive traffic to a company website. Since our course is also somewhat focused on Social Media it is appropriate for you to think about how Social Media would help you enhance sales for your own existing company or launch a new company (along with a Financial Model for that company). Ric Dragon’s book is on reserve for our class. If you read his book or at least read the pages on blog management you will be in a better position to engage with him when he is our guest speaker on May 3rd. I found his book to be fascinating. Please read the Amazon book review that I wrote about it: http://www.amazon.com/review/ R1IVNB68GZSSO2 Please click the checkbox in response to the question “was this review helpful” this will help me improve my creds as an Amazon reviewer. You can buy the book Social marketology: Improve your social media processes and get customers to stay forever from Amazon for $17.50 or from an Amazon reseller for less than $5.
One of the topics that Ric will be talking to us about is value modeling for social media (or even marketing in general). Here is a video that relates to his topic: “Understanding the Full Value of Mobile: Adidas Drives In-Store Traffic with Mobile: http://www.thinkwithgoogle.com/case-studies/adidas-and-iprospect-explore-in-store-conversions.html.