Nov 07 2012
The monologue
Inspiration is what gives us the drive and motivation to do anything we want. It would be irrational for me not to talk about the person who inspired me and the person who also made it possible for me to even attend college. This person is my mother, as cliche as is may sound it is a hundred percent applicable to my life. My mother for the entirety Of her life was a hard worker whether it be in her home country of Trinidad and Tobago where she helped tend to acres and acres of land or in America where during her beginning years worked multiple jobs as a cashier or a baby sitter. No matter what the challenge she would never falter, knowing that she was doing her children the biggest favor. Coming from another country with next to nothing is a task most of you aren’t familiar with. Being thrown into a new culture where people dress speak and act completely different. Should you fit in or not, do you keep your customs or leave them. It was hard but she worked hard and from taking buses she now has multiple vehicles from barely having much to wear she has a large wardrobe with sufficient amounts of clothes to live in a village in Trinidad to now owning her home in America I commend her. The drive from the immigrated generation to the first generation degrades immensely we know what it’s like to have clothes food and shelter so much so that we throw it away. There is no real sense of urgency we all just try to have fun because we only live once. But there are generations ahead of you hanging in the balance. Also we have all been given an opportunity to be here whether it be in this school or country we need to capitalize because people have made much more with much less.
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