Dec 04 2012

This Semester

Published by at 11:50 PM under Uncategorized

Wow. This semester has went by quickly. It seems like yesterday we were in that first FRO class talking about Brooklyn . Where has the time gone? I think it is safe to say that I have found a new home in Baruch. I never pictured myself going to college in the city after having gone to high school here for four years. I am happy with my choice. This past semester had open my eyes to many new experiences. While I still have some habits from high school (procrastination), I have tried to balance my time and relax. I am enjoying the freedom of this first semester. This is a bittersweet moment because I know it  will not be this easy.  It only gets harder from here. But alas, I am not worried. Everyone in this FRO section is awesome and I hope everyone can stay in touch. Thank you for a fun semester.

One response so far

One Response to “This Semester”

  1.   DDeCrescenzo-froon 07 Dec 2012 at 10:38 AM

    So glad to hear that you’ve found a new home at Baruch! Keep working on the balance and I have no doubt you’ll have a successful and fun college experience.