Archive for November 25th, 2012

Nov 25 2012

Enrichment Workshops

Published by under Uncategorized

In a post of no more than 500 words, write about your favorite enrichment workshop that you have attended and why this workshop/program/experience was your favorite.

Be sure to address the ways in which this workshop/program/experience resonated with you from a personal perspective and, if applicable, if it inspired you in any way.

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Nov 25 2012

Your Time at Baruch

Published by under Uncategorized

Create or find a photograph or some other image (a meme, an animated GIF, etc.) that represents in some way your experience at Baruch thus far. Embed your image in a blog post in which you reflect, in no more than 500 words, on your impressions of your first three months at Baruch.
Your response should be personal and creative. If you use an image that you did not create yourself, be sure to credit the source with a name, if possible, and a URL.

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