Dec 05 2012

First Semester Baruch

Published by at 10:11 AM under Uncategorized

This picture of a basketball helps me best describe my time here at Baruch this far. This is mainly because I feel as though my life surrounds the ball. For more reasons than one, firstly my first semester has been a social one because I’ve made a lot of new friends outside of the cluster we are in. I say that basketball is a great reason for this, going downstairs and just playing the sport with so many different people and faces was a experience in of itself. After playing we would go out and eat and talk and just have fun. In addition to basketball helping me make friends it surprisingly helped me keep ontop of my work. When I finished playing ball I would go to the library and study. playing basketball helps activate my body so that I am awake and aware. Also I cough up a lot of credit to basketball for keeping me as fit as I am because the running up and down the court for hours really gets me into cardio which I probably wouldn’t do on a treadmill of some boring machine. Basketball has made my time at Baruch enjoyable. image.jpeg

2 responses so far

2 Responses to “First Semester Baruch”

  1.   DDeCrescenzo-froon 07 Dec 2012 at 10:42 AM

    What a great way to meet people and find a community at Baruch! I’m glad to hear that basketball has also helped you focus on academics too. Keep it up!