Baruch’s VSA

  The Vietnamese Student Association (VSA) at Baruch College is an organization dedicated to promoting the rich Vietnamese heritage through social and cultural events both on and off campus.

Starting off the club’s fifth year on campus, VSA held its first general interest meeting on August 31st. Through a series of icebreakers, games and (of course) food the club’s true nature is obvious. Even if you’re a shy and clueless freshman like me, the moment you walk into the room you’ll know VSA isn’t just a club, it’s a family that loves to come together to celebrate Vietnamese culture and have a good time.

VSA’s second event of the school year was a bake sale located in the second floor lobby of the NVC. Members welcomed back students with whoopie pies, brownies and Vietnamese iced coffee.

Third event of the year was a DIY summer rolls and language workshop. People were first taught how to make summer rolls through an instructional and humorous video filmed by the club, then everyone’s skills were put to the test. Once everyone enjoyed their creations, people were taught basic phrases one might need at a Vietnamese restaurant, such as greetings, thank you and common food dishes. Afterwards, an activity worksheet about the phrases was passed out. First group to finish received Baked by Melissa cupcakes.

After the third event, I stayed behind mainly because I had time to spare before my next class but I don’t regret it at all. I had a lot of one-on-on time with returning members. They gave me really useful advice about almost everything on how to survive Baruch from academics to the other students. Joining VSA is a really great opportunity for anyone to make new friends and make the most out of their time at Baruch College.

If anyone is interested, VSA’s second interest meeting is on Thursday September 14th during club hours in room 9-135. And no, you don’t have to be Vietnamese to join.

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