The United Chinese Language Association is one of the many clubs offered here at Baruch College. I was first intrigued by this club when I heard the abbreviation of the club being shouted out during the Club Carnival on Convocation Day; UCLA. I was confused on why UCLA was at Baruch College when representatives of the club approached me and explained what the club actually stood for. The representatives were very nice and welcoming so I thought why not and decided to go to their general club interest meeting (also because their flyers were really pretty).

UCLA’s first general interest meeting was on August 31st during the official club hours. When I finally found the room the meeting was to be taking place in, I was shocked at the sheer amount of people that showed up. Latecomers even had to stand outside in the hallways as the room couldn’t fit everyone inside. Some of the representatives confided in me that even they didn’t think this many people would show up.

Once everyone was settled down, the club representatives all introduced themselves and a PowerPoint presentation was shown for all the potential new club members to get a feel of what UCLA was all about. UCLA is about promoting Chinese American awareness and to increase knowledge about its culture and heritage at Baruch College. They host important Chinese events like the Mid-Autumn Festival and the Lunar Festival. UCLA also provides mentorships from Baruch alumni and is into philanthropy.

After the presentation, we played icebreaker games to get to know each other a little bit better. One game we played was called scenarios where there were two teams of three who had to act out a scene. Each team had one role and whichever team couldn’t come up with a comeback fast enough would ultimately lose.

When the general interest meeting came to an end, I was sad to go. I had a lot of fun during the meeting watching people volunteer to go up and participate in the games. I couldn’t stop laughing throughout the whole event and I left with a big smile on my face. I’m currently thinking about joining UCLA but who knows.

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