STARR Internship Seminar

On Thursday, October 5, my classmates and I attended the STARR Internship Seminar. It was set up to introduce the process for obtaining internships. Michael Kalish is a part of the STARR Career Development Center at Baruch and he provided us with plentiful amounts of information regarding the purpose of STARR and the resources that come with it. I had heard of it before through the many emails from Baruch I receive, but going to this seminar gave me a better understanding of what it was. There are plenty of internships available for whichever year of college you were in. I was so surprised at how easy it was to access different internship opportunities through the websites Michael provided to us. He even used a “dummy account” to show us the step by step process of finding an internship best fit for someone. The STARR Career Development Center has a counseling center with many people so you can walk in and ask for help in person. If you want assistance about an internship you had an interest in, they will guide you in seeing if it is a good fit for you or not. If that works out, they will even give you the opportunity to have a mock interview where someone from the office will interview you the way they would at a real internship. In my opinion, I think that is one of the best features for people who are planning on starting their first internship to get a feel for what to expect out of these mock interview, and even how to answer their questions strategically. I plan on interning later on and I know I will be using all the resources offered in the office as well as the website to ensure my confidence is high before I have to go in for the real interview.


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