A Visit to the MOMA

This past Friday, I visited the Museum of Modern Art with my friends. Despite living in New York, this was actually my first time going to the museum. I am someone that actually enjoys a good stroll within a museum and will not find it boring. It was particularly crowded on this day due to it being a Friday afternoon and the free tickets MOMA was giving out at this time. Fortunately, I was able to skip the line and get in free anyways due to being a CUNY student. The building and interior design of the MOMA itself is quite unique. It was definitely aesthetically pleasing and a good place to simply enjoy the scenery.

One particular piece that stood out to me was Lullaby by Louise Bourgeois, located in the Louise Bourgeois exhibit. From the description next to the artwork I learned several facts. Created in 2006, this piece resembles shapes by turning and tracing common household objects. Some objects include: scissors, a knife, and a candy dish. To be honest, it was hard for me to tell what these objects were at first. What stood out to be was that this was abstract art. I personally find abstract art to be interesting due to its’ uniqueness and simplicity. It is said that abstract art could be calming, expressing emotion, and showing tension. Best said by Bourgeois herself, “It is not an image I am seeking. It’s not an idea. It is an emotion that you want to recreate.” Upon seeing Lullaby, I was able to connect with her words. The piece was clean cut and seemed to embody a sense of serenity.

All in all, it was a great experience to do something different for a change. To take a break within my schedule and explore the MOMA. 

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