The Whitney Museum

Recently I went to the Whitney Museum and unexpectedly had a great time. As a child I would go to museums all over Manhattan with my parents and I hated it. I went with my childhood friend who also attends Baruch and was not very excited at first. In the beginning I was walking around the museum and was not impressed by any of the art. But as I kept on walking around I was constantly stopping and staring at paintings. It was then when I realized that art is not as boring as I once thought it was. I was using my imagination to understand what some pieces were and I realized the beauty of art. I wasn’t just looking at paintings like I would do when I was a child but I was understanding the deeper meanings in the art. For me it was a realization that I matured. In the past I would beg my parents not to take me to museums but now I want to visit more. There was this one exhibition byCalder that I really enjoyed. It closes later this month so I was told to check it out by one of the employees. The artist, Alexander Calder, makes really cool structures with vibrant colors. I enjoy seeing structures and statues as opposed to paintings in museums so I think that is why I liked it so much. Overall, my appreciation for art has changed dramatically and I cannot wait to go to more museums.

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