Blog Post #2: Athletic Event

On Tuesday, September 26th, I went to an athletic event at Baruch’s ARC Arena with a friend. We watched a women’s volleyball game between Baruch’s own Bearcats and the Bulldogs from Brooklyn College. Although I’ve never been much of an athlete or fan of sports, I chose to watch a volleyball game because I’ve always been intrigued by the game’s mechanics. I feel like volleyball requires a lot of precision and coordination from its players, which often makes for fair games and interesting plays. During the game, I saw many spikes, which have proved to be my favorite type of attack because they’re not only aggressive, but also very calculated in most of the situations they’re used in.
My overall impression of the event is that sports like volleyball take more dedication and effort from its participants than I considered prior to this game. I found a new respect for student athletes after realizing their dedication to their sport of choice. Although faced with a loss at the end, the women’s volleyball team includes many talented players who make their determination and passion apparent when they step on the court to play. The same can be said about the Bulldogs, who played with their full potential and still maintained a level of respect. In fact, the general atmosphere in the gymnasium was both respectful and competitive. However, I was most inspired by the players’ abilities to balance their academic lives with their dedication to volleyball.
I never really understood the excessive popularity surrounding sporting events like the World Cup or the Super Bowl. However, after speaking with other onlookers I came to the conclusion that a sport can be enjoyed even if one doesn’t play it. I plan to get involved by attending more sporting events to support Baruch teams.

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