On-Campus Recruiting Workshop

This Halloween instead of going out tricking people unless I get a treat, I attended an on-campus recruiting workshop. I know it’s lame, but hear me out. Baruch’s on-campus recruiting program (OCR) is a great opportunity for students to make connections and get interviews for a range of positions with companies all across the New York tri-state area.

OCR workshops are primarily geared towards juniors and seniors, but everyone is welcomed. The hour and a half long workshop covered topics such as general OCR information and policies, how to navigate through Starr Search, resume and cover letter writing recommendations, steps to do before an interview, what to do/not to do during the interview, what to do after the interview, and how to accept/decline job offers. Most importantly, attending and staying for the entire workshop qualifies you for OCR for two years or one semester after your graduation date, whichever comes first.

For me, this workshop was a pregame changer. OCR gives students a chance at internships and full-time positions, which most Baruch students don’t apply for until later in their college career. That means the two year certification warranty won’t last me long after I start applying for full-time positions. Although I will most likely have to return to the workshop again some time in the future to renew my certification, I am prepared in terms of what to expect when entering the work field. I can also apply the information from the presentation to apply for other positions outside of OCR, something the presenter highly recommended for us to do.

Every student will have to attend this workshop at some point during their time at Baruch. It may sound like another tedious chore in our career path, but in reality, it is a major boost.

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