Blog #2

For my student life blog post I will be talking about my experience at Success Network. Success Network is an organization that helps student prepare for college life and also prepare them for a successful future.
At first I was extremely frustrated that had to go. I never been a part of an organization before and I felt as if this was a waste of time. After doing the doing the workshops and talking to some teachers and older students my attitude started to change. Doing this allowed me to learn about myself with the activities we did such as learning our top 5 personality traits. On September 28 we had another meeting where we talked about how the transition has been so for and how to be prepared to apply for next semester.
Joining this organization definitely made me feel more prepared for college and my future. I definitely would advise someone to join an organization or a club even if it’s not this one because the connection you build with the people there and the knowledge you get is something you can’t learn in the classroom.

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