On Campus Recruiting Workshop

With friends, I went to a Starr Career Development Center workshop. This event was about the on campus recruiting that happens at Baruch College. It was targeted mostly towards juniors and seniors, but we decided to go anyways to see what it was about. We decided to go to the on campus recruiting workshop because we didn’t want to be stressed about going to one the week of enrolling into classes. We were nervous that because the event was mostly hosted for junior and seniors, we would be the only first years there so we tried to stay inconspicuous and not look so out of place.

The whole workshop covered three different topics; the resume, the on campus recruitment, and the interview. I found the parts about the resume and interview part the most helpful to me now because I would most likely be using those skills soon rather than the on campus recruiting that would happen in a couple years. For the on campus recruiting section of the info session, the presenter explained how to use and navigate the website the Starr Career Development Center uses to keep track of the students going through on campus recruiting. She explained how to set up our profiles and what should and shouldn’t be on it. She went through the do’s and don’ts for interviews and what you should do after and during an interview. At the beginning of the event, a manual book was passed out to everyone attending, explaining everything in greater detail that the presenter talked about. Overall, I thought that this event was helpful in that it prepared me a little bit of what to expect in the future. Going to this specific event makes us eligible for on campus recruiting for when we do actually decide to do it, so we won’t have to worry about going to the event again in the future since it is only available twice a year.

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