Freshman Seminar Fall 17 DWB


Hello my name is Peter Famuyide. I am a first year student here at Baruch.  I attended the National Association of Black Accountants (NABA)General Interest meeting and after attending the meeting I joined the club.  I was refered to the group by many of my older Baruch friends and they all said i woould not regret joining especially is i became involved. On my first day in the club i knew i was going to like it. I liked how the members of this club bonded whether it be in the club room or whenever we saw each other in the school. I have gone out to lunch with many of the memebers of these groups to lunch and they are very welcoming. As a new member they gave me the opportunity to attend NABA’s Eastern Regional Student Conference in October. This conference would help network me with some of the biggest accounting firms on the east coast and gives many chances to score jobs and internships as well as build relationships with CEOs and other important people in the business world. Not only did they give me this amazing opportunity but they also offered to make it an all expenses paid trip. Inside of the Genera Interest meeting they spoke to me about the importance of their motto “lifting as we climb”. They spoke on how they help students build business skills as well as network at many conferences. My favorite part of the General interest meeting was the  free food. They had an entire buffet spread of many different foods that I enjoy. My favorite would have to be the Macaroni and Cheese it was surprisingly good. I look  forward to spending more time with NABA members  and i will definitely be spending alot of time in that club room.

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