Freshman Seminar Fall 17 DWB

Kaylee Catena Blog Post 2

For my second blog post I decided to visit the American Museum of Natural History on the Upper West side of Manhattan with friends. Within this museum I saw a great deal of interesting attractions. My friends and I watched a presentation on the Big Bang in the Hayden Big Bang Theatre. This theatre is located in the lower half of the Hayden Sphere in this museum. The Rose Center for Earth and Space is where one can find this fun interactive. This presentation was shown on a concave screen enclosed in a small room and it showed the journey that our virtual universe has taken over the course of many years. This presentation was very informative, but at the same time I have more questions about the topic after having watched it than I had before. We also visited the Eastern Island Head which is located in the Margaret Mead Hall of Pacific Peoples. If I’m being honest, the only reason we decided to see this was because of the movie Night at the Museum. Pictured below is me with the Alaskan Brown Bear. This was taken in the Bernard Family Hall of North American Mammals. This Hall is also home to many other furry tailed mammals. Another interesting sector of this museum was the Milstein Hall of Ocean Life. This Hall had countless underwater species on display. I found the Giant Blue Whale Model to be the most interesting part of this Hall. This fiberglass female whale model is ninety four feet long and weighs in at twenty one thousand pounds! The Giant Blue Whale is the largest animal alive today and can weigh up to one hundred tons. Unfortunately, the Mummy exhibition was closed by the time my friends and I reached the floor it was located on, but following this we went to the Ornithischian Hall of Dinosaurs and saw momentous displays of prehistoric dinosaurs to make up for it.

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